“A constellation is a group of stars that forms an imaginary outline or meaningful pattern on the celestial sphere...”
When I think of Advent I think of journeys, of destinations that can only be found by walking toward the next marker... which points to the next... and so on. Advent is not aimless wandering. Advent is a well-worn path through a meaningful pattern that cultivates new-ness.
You may not know this about me, but I absolutely abhor being told what to do. When I feel like someone is attempting to coerce me (you notice that strong word “coerce?” Yeah, I feel strongly about this...) I do all in my power to shut. that. down.
But when it comes to Advent, I never feel coercion. Quite the opposite, in fact. Even though Advent guides the traveler through the same themes and readings each year, there is expansiveness within. During the first years I experienced Advent, (not having grown up with it) I was surprised each year at new understandings and insights that sprung from the experience. Now, however, I know those surprises are intrinsic and I watch for them in anticipation.
Because is it really possible to brush up with the deep magic of Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love without being surprised?
And therein is the beauty of Advent: that the Divine always comes to wherever we are and never leaves us unchanged.
As I was creating stoles for this collection and ruminating on Advent, I found many stars and references to journeys emerging. After I noticed that, I also began to think of the communal experience of Advent – this is a journey, after all, that we embark upon together. This made me think of Constellations – star groups that we have determined are “together” in a sense.
So with these thoughts, I turned to Wikipedia to learn more about Constellations. The very first sentence of the article on Constellations floored me. “A constellation is a group of stars that forms an imaginary outline or meaningful pattern on the celestial sphere...”
Meaningful patterns?! How fitting for Advent and for the stole collection replete with stars and labyrinths!
Each of the stoles in this collection has been named after a Constellation. I offer this collection to you as a representation and celebration of this meaningful-patterned journey we are stepping into together. May the hope, peace, joy and love of the Christ Child be born in us again this Advent!