A Season of Hiatus

Hello wonderful Tailored Stole friends,

It is with a mix of sadness and relief that I announce The Tailored Stole entering a season of hiatus.

In September 2019, I accepted a call for a full-time ministry role that has been a place of deep joy and growth for me over this past year. Our family relocated for it, and I continued my stole business alongside my work in the Episcopal Diocese of Spokane.

But then, of course, Covid hit in March 2020, and life as it had been was obliterated. Friends, the honest truth is that I haven’t been able to manage the amount of stole requests and work since this Spring, alongside working from home and also caring for my three school-aged boys who have been doing school from home, summer from home, and now gearing up for more school from home. The Tailored Stole has been most affected, as I’ve had to postpone deadlines and struggled to keep up with communications sufficiently. The weight of knowing the professionalism of my business has slid into disrepair has been so heavy on my heart.

Therefore, it is both with relief and sadness that I announce that The Tailored Stole will be on hiatus at least through the end of 2020. It is my hope that when life normalizes more from the effects of Covid that I will once again be able to accept orders.

For those of you with outstanding orders, your stoles are still in the works and will be delivered.

Thank you all for understanding. Thank you for the incredible love and joy you all have shared with me in the gift of making stoles for you. I am not saying goodbye for good, and hope this hiatus will be short-lived.

In gratitude,
