



This stole is named for a term coined by Hildegard of Bingen. Hildegard used the term viriditas for the creative “greening power of God” inherent in all living things. Viriditas defies a strict translation, but embodies both literal greenness and also a sense of vitality, growth, and freshness. She used this term frequently in her writing, considering viriditas as something to be cultivated in both bodies and souls.

The Viriditas is made from rich Forest Green Dupioni Silk with meticulously hand-cut evergreen trees in Gold, Rose-Gold, and Antique Gold Dupioni Silks. Each tree is then carefully embroidered to further set off its beauty.

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Customization Options

Stole Cut Style

  • The Tailored Stole Signature Cut (recommended, and as shown in photos of the Viriditas)

  • The Classic Cut

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The Tailored Stole Signature Cut was created by Andrea Farley after interviews with priests. A common complaint was of the stole either cutting into the back of the neck or creeping up the neck. Some priests also noted the challenge of stoles shifting side-to-side. The Tailored Stole Signature Cut is an attempt to address these challenges. The top portion of the neck cut has been narrowed to allow it to lay flat on the wearer's upper back without cutting into or creeping up the neck. It also reduces the chance of side-to-side shifting as it fits snugly around the shoulders rather than perching on the top of the shoulders. This cut looks good on men and women alike, and both men and women have reported it feeling more comfortable and secure.

The Classic Cut is a wider, more traditional stole cut. It has a curved neck cut that "stands up" against the back of the neck -- a good choice if there is a desire for embellishment (such as a cross embroidery) on that portion of the stole.


Stole Length

This stole is made to order to your custom length.

The easiest way to find you preferred stole length is to try some on and measure an existing stole that you love the length of. The way to measure it is from the neck seam down one stole length.

If that option is not feasible, a tape measure and a friend work just fine. Be sure to stand tall and hold the tape measure to the back base of your neck. Have your friend find your measurement at the point you want your stole to end.


Lining Fabric Color Choice

The Lining Fabric refers to the fabric on the reverse side of the stole. Each stole comes with a number of suggested color choices for the lining fabric, but requests for different colors can be made.

Lining Fabric Color Recommendations for the Augustine of the Woods include:

  • Snow Kona Cotton (as shown in photos)

  • Soft Silver Kona Cotton

  • Pewter Kona Cotton