The Tailored Stole

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It's beginning to look a lot like Advent!

Can you believe Advent is just around the corner? I'm so excited -- I love Advent.

I enjoy the long slog of Ordinary Time in the church year. No, really I do. It feels like a long enough time that one begins to notice and appreciate the everyday stuff of life. But by the time Advent comes around, I always feel ready to step out of Ordinary into a bit of Special.

I didn't grow up celebrating Advent and didn't even know what it was until early adulthood. Leaning into Advent, then, has been a beautiful gift that still has a bit of "new" sheen to it. 

Here are a few things I love about Advent:

I love the spaciousness that Advent creates in a season that can so quickly be consumed by busyness.

I love the active stillness -- the quiet, reflective time that serves to prepare our bodies and hearts for the birth of newness.

I love the strong presence of women in Advent as we wonder about pregnancy and birth, as we re-tell the stories of courageous women such as Elizabeth and Mary, as we all embrace a time of gestation and nurture.

I love the journey of Advent. Advent is like a treasure map with each week revealing a new signpost to remind us where we've been and where we need to keep journeying. There is something very labyrinthine about Advent... a forward movement that sometimes feels confusing, yet will never lead you astray so long as you follow the step and then the one after it.

I love the simplicity and delight of lighting candles each night.

What do you love about Advent?