The Tailored Stole

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I'm working on the final details of the new collection, From the Trees, which is being released in two days. And as I'm working, I'm ruminating back over all the beautiful things that have inspired and shaped this collection.

Honestly, this collection has been so easy inspiration-wise. Forests, trees, green spaces... I have gravitated to these places since childhood. I collect tree inspirations like a hoarder; they speak to the depths of my being.

When I went through a particularly searing stage of life a few years back, I went to the Coastal Redwood groves of Northern California as often as possible. They were a source of refuge, of healing, of peace.

I don't think it's possible to walk out of a forest the exact same person who entered. Forests are magical, replete with the beauty and energy of God.

I hope that you love this collection. But so far beyond that, I hope that you will see a bit of my heart and soul in it and that it will inspire you to lean into experiences that make your own heart come alive.

One last gift to you before I sign off: This poem by Rainer Maria Rilke has been a key piece of inspiration during this collection's duration. I hope you read it in a quiet moment when you are able to relish its beauty. Maybe while sitting under a tree? :)

